~I am letting some of the knowledge that I have been granted be given unto others so they can do with it as they see fit. I do not wish what I know be lost or fade into the distance~
There are multiple systems that represent divinity, the most common symbol is the notion of the circle. That which never ends and never truly begins. We divide this circle into many components each of which are equal and each of which can be used to represent different aspects.
While we cannot understand the infinite in both depth and expression by limiting one of these elements it makes it easier for us to develop such an understanding. We create something that is infinite in depth but not infinite in expression. This becomes easier for my our minds to wrap around and handle. We segment the divine into components that we can observe, interact, and handle independently of the whole. Thus we learn.
If we divide the circle by fourth’s we create the form of understanding of the divine that we receive through the elements.
If we divide the circle by 10 we create the form of understanding of the divine that we receive through the qabalah.
If we divide the circle by 360 we create the form of understanding through the Shem Ham Phorash, a system of angels that can be discussed through the goetia and sepher reziel.
If we divide the circle by 12 we create the form of understanding of the divine that we receive through astrology and the zodiacal forces that surround us.
In doing so we create the 7 planets, malkuth, the fixed stars, and the zodiac. Thus the ten sephira’s of the tree of life are made manifest.
There exists a tool that combines each of these elements, and that is the tarot deck.
Each symbol is a door and that door swings both ways. Each deck is a tool to access these symbols within their completeness. But first the tree must be made whole; the 12, the 7, and the 3 must be made to go to their proper places else the tree false apart.
You can enter the door, but the lords can exit that door to this world.
The Four Ace’s...that of sword, rod, pentacle, and staff form the boundaries of the circle creating a space in which the great work might take place.
Aleph, Mem, and Shin form the world in which the tree exists. Within the triangle is the door; the world made manifest.
There are 36 lords; each one representing a portion of divinity itself. Each one holding a unique combination to their lock that exists within the deck separate from every other lord. Within their unique combination and the angels of the shem hem phorash can their name be made manifest.
Within the Two of Cups Exists a Lord; they are the lord of Harmonious Change. They are bound By Jupiter and Capricorn. They are heralded by Lekebel and Leshiriah.
Within the language of the universe ChROAGGhA shall be brought forth in the form a virgin clad in linen, with an apple and pomegranate held within their hand.